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Policies & FAQ'S

Online contributions to Christ the King Community Church are considered to be non-refundable. Refunds for event/class registration fees vary; specific event refund policies are posted on each event registration form.
We know that the security of your information is important! That's why all transaction info is sent over a secure, encrypted connection through our online giving provider.

Our Church Family: Your giving funds the staff, ministries, outreach, and facilities of the campus you give to. And when you give to the CTK Blessing, a portion of that is set aside for CTK attenders in significant financial crisis.

Our Community: At CTK, we're proud to partner with a number of local nonprofits that provide essential services in our community to address hunger, homelessness, kids & families, and relational crises. A portion of your giving also goes to support the CTK Food Share & Farm.

Our World: One of our goals is to see every believer live with the missional vision of reaching every person, everywhere. Your giving helps provide resources like food, housing, transportation, and relief to 20+ global missions partners across our network as they extend the hope of Jesus around the world.